
HTML5 SVG Hyperbolic Tree Implementation.

View the Project on GitHub glouwa/d3-hypertree

A Scalable Intercative Web Component for Hyperbolic Tree Visualisations



If no packaging tool is used, the imports can be replaced by adding the following lines to your html:

<link  href="index-browser-light.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="d3-hypertree.js"></script>

Adding the bundle exposes the global vaiable ‘hyt’. Use it to access the module, as shown in Component Embedding. For working examples (full HTML) see Example Repository.

Embedding in HTML

Embedding in HTML with Typescript/Webpack

npm install d3-hypertree --save

The d3-hypertree component is build with Webpack and exposes a prebuild CommonJS module (dist/index.js). For custom builds please import “dist/js/components/hypertree/hypertree”.

import * as hyt from 'd3-hypertree'

Add one of the css files to your site. Each css file is a theme.

and instantiate the Component as shown in Component Embedding. For working examples see [Example Repository]

Component Instantiation

list of used classes

The core class of the API is the Hypertree Class. Constructor arguments are used for configuration, see the ‘api’ member exposes functonis and Promises for animations and other featrues. The initPromise member may be used to call api functinos, like animations after initialisation.

The Hypertree component constructor takes two arguments: Parent element, and hypertree component configuration. The Hypertree Component will attach to parent and overwrite all previous children.

See Hypertree Configuration for more options.

// hyt is declared by import or global variable in bundle
const component = new hyt.Hypertree(
        parent: document.body,
        preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet"
        model: hyt.loaders.fromFile('data/LDA128-ward.d3.json')

For more examples see Example Repository.

Constructor Arguments

The Hypertree Configuration object is passed as second argument to the Hypertree contructor. It contains four sections which of only model is obligate.

Predefined configurations are found d3-hypertree.presets.

export interface HypertreeViewModel
    model: HierarchyModel,
    filter: Filter,
    geometry: Space,
    interaction: Interaction,
Name Default Description
model - Visualized hierarchy data, including additional objects like tree pathes and selected (highlighted) nodes, as well as a icon map for landmark nodes, and a language translation map. See section HierarchyModel for details.
filter   Scalability is achieved by permieter culling and weight culling. Permimeter culling removed small nodes near the unit circle, weight culling removes nodes width small weight. This configuration is only necessary if the dataset contains more than 1000 nodes. See section Filter for details.
geometry   Defines visible layers and geometrical properties like node size, link curvature and others. See section Geometry.
interaction   Used for user defined interaction events. See section Interaction.

Data Model

export interface HierarchyModel
    data:         N,    
    iconmap:      {},    
    langmap:      {},    
    objects: {
        pathes:     { N, N }[],
        selections: N[],
Name Default Description
data - N is derived from d3-hierarchy node. See D3 documentation. It requirres an additional member id, which is used as key in iconmap and langmap to identify a node. d3.hierarchy and d3.stratify can be used if their input data contains such a member.
langmap {} If data files should be language independant this translatino map may be used to translate node labels.
iconmap {} Supports only unicode emojis
objects.pathes [] This array specifys highlighted pathes within the tree. The used nodes must be references to nodes within data.
objects.selections [] This array specifys highlighted nodes within the tree. The used nodes must be references to nodes within data.

Filter Options

export interface Filter
    cullingRadius:   number,
    cullingWeight:   number | { min:number, max:number }, 
    weights:         (n)=> number,
    layout:          LayoutFunction,
    transformation:  {
        P: C,        
        θ: C,
        λ: C,
Name Default Description
cullingRadius .98 Nodes outside the circle with center 0,0 and radius cullingRadius will be hidden.
cullingWeight { min:200, max:400 } Culling weight can be specified as constant weight, or as a range which defined the minimun and maximum number of visible nodes. If so, the culling weight will be calculated automatically.
weights d=> d.value?1:0 Will be used as argument for d3 node.sum. See D3 documentation.
layout layouts.bergè Bergé layout implementation. Currently the only one which supports efficient node culling.
transformation.P { re:0, im:0 } Initial hyperbolic translation. Use P to define the initial root node position.
transformation.λ undefined Defines the initial link lenght. Valid values are in intervall (0,1). This parameter is not used if geometry.animateUpRadius is defined.

Geometry and Layer Options

export interface Geometry
    addLayer:        ['traces', 'images'],
    removeLayer:     ['stem-arc'],    
    nodeScale:       d=> number,
    arcWidth:        d=> number,
    clipRadius:      number,                      
    labelRadius:     number,
    animateUpRadius: number    
Name Default Description
nodeRadius [] Enables additional layers. See Layers for details
nodeRadius [] Disables default layers. See Layers for details
nodeRadius d=> acosh(d.pos.r)*.02 Define node size for a node
arcWidth d=> acosh(d.pos.r)*.015 Define link width for a node
clipRadius 1 Component clipping circle radius. Circle center at 0,0
labelRadius .005 Distance between label center and node center. Not applied on force dirceted label layout.
animateUpRadius .8 If specified, transformation.λ will be set to a value such that the initial tree will fit within a circle with radius animateUpRadius. This circle is centered at transformation.P.

Interaction Options

export interface Interaction
    onNodeSelect: (n:N)=> void
Name Default Description
onNodeSelect Will be called when the user selects or deselects a node given by parameter n  

Default Configration

import { Hypertree } from 'd3-hypertree'
import { layouts } from 'd3-hypertree'

const hypertree = new Hypertree(
        parent: document.body,
        preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",
        model: {
            iconmap: {},
            langmap: {},
            data:    d3.hierarchy(...),        
            objects: {}
        filter: {
            cullingRadius:   .98,
            cullingWeight:   { min:200, max:400 }, 
            layout:          layouts.bergé,
            transformation:  {
                P: C,
                λ: number,                
        geometry: {            
            addLayer:        ['traces', 'images'],
            removeLayer:     ['stem-arc'],            
            nodeRadius:      .002,
            nodeScale:       d=> scales.hyperbolic,        
            arcWidth:        d=> Math.log(d.weight) * .002,        
            clipRadius:      1,                      
            labelRadius:     .9,
            animateUpRadius: .7,
        interaction: {
            onNodeSelect: ((hypertree:Hypertree, n:N)=> void, 

Note that filter, geometry and interaction can be omitted if default configuration should be used.

Available Layers

Name Default Visibility Description
cell-layer   Renders voronoi cells of nodes. Cell defines mouse area of a node.
center-node Gray circle background for node next to 0,0
path-arcs Hyperbolic arc links for pathes
path-lines   Straight line links for pathes
link-arcs Hyperbolic arc links
link-lines   Straight line links
nodes Circle nodes
images   Renders a image for each node with a imgref member. Imgref must be a valid image url. The image is centered at the node position
emojis Renders a emoji for each node occurring in iconmap
labels   Renders labels nex to node
labels-force Avoids label overlapping by a force directed layout.
traces   Shows touch interaction by rendering a polyline for each touch

Component Modification

Modification operations like animations or navigating to nodes are implemented as Promises, zu simplify concatenation of such operations.

Transformation Animations



Path highlighting

Node highlighting